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Choosing the Perfect Bachelor Party Destination: Jaco, Costa Rica

Written by Abrar Zubair · 3 min read >


One of the best ways to celebrate your last days as a single man is by throwing a fun bachelor party with your friends and closest family members. The best way to choose the perfect destination for your bachelor party depends on you and your friends, but one thing’s for sure – Jaco, Costa Rica offers the best bang for your buck in the region. Read on to learn more about why you should choose Jaco as your destination this bachelor party weekend!

6 Things To Consider When Choosing A Destination
Finding a destination for your next bachelor party is no easy task. There are a number of factors to consider when deciding where to go. Whether you want to stick close to home or travel abroad, each potential location has its benefits and drawbacks. In order to ensure that you pick a spot that’s perfect for your group of guys and how you’re planning on spending your time there, consider these six questions before booking anything.

When choosing a place to go at your bachelor party, safety should be of upmost importance. That’s why Costa Rica is such a great choice for a bachelorette party – it’s super safe! In fact, San Jose and other towns in Costa Rica have less crime than places like New York City. As an added bonus, all those things that do happen will probably just end up as stories for your wedding day. So you’ll be able to laugh about that time you were almost robbed or whatever else happens during your trip. Plus none of us are getting younger – it’s about time you took care of yourself and stayed safe! If that doesn’t convince you to pick somewhere safer for your next bachelorette party then I don’t know what will!

It’s important to have a clear idea of how much you can spend on your bachelor party. Are you planning to go all out? Or do you plan to keep things more modest? It’s good to know exactly how much you have set aside for all aspects of your celebration. Travel costs vary greatly depending on which destination you choose. A trip to Miami could be as cheap as $300 (excluding food and drinks) or as expensive as $2000 (for chartered yachts and high-end clubs). To put it in perspective, going down in Rio de Janeiro could cost up to $1500 per person for just airfare alone!

The coastal town of Jaco is a hotspot for surfers as well as beach lovers. The beaches near San Jose have large waves making them excellent surfing spots. If you are looking to learn how to surf then your best bet is probably Playas del Coco, where world-class instructors will show you how it’s done. The ocean is perfect for swimming and sunbathing at Playas del Coco and Tamarindo. The area has many fun and exciting things to do including paragliding over mountains or horseback riding along unspoiled beaches, plus zip lining through forests or swinging from ropes on ziplines or sitting on a boat getting pulled by sea turtles. Whatever your bachelor party plans are make sure you get in plenty of beach time!

Many bachelor parties in Jaco’s head to another beach town called Manuel Antonio after partying in Jaco. You can drive there or take a $4 taxi ride to save on renting a car or taking an Uber or Taxi. You can find all of your transportation options by using Google Maps. Read more about all of our transportation options by checking out our Transportation Page. The nightlife in Manuel Antonio is not as busy as in Jaco but it does have some nice spots with great music and outdoor bars so you won’t be lacking things to do after your all-night parties back in Jaco! We have 4 other beaches that are part of our Stay Local Program where you stay on one beach and party on another; we call them Beach Hopping Trips.

Okay. The first step is to get all of your bachelor party costa rica a passport. If you can’t afford to take a trip out of country for all of them, that’s okay too. You can always do a staycation where you go somewhere in your city and pretend you’re on vacation! Alternatively, if it’s easy for one or two members of your group to travel out of country (i.e., if someone has an international girlfriend or travels often for work), see if they want to be in charge of choosing destinations!

After Party Options
Once you get to your destination, there are plenty of fun things to do while you’re away from your soon-to-be wife. In fact, taking off your wedding clothes and living it up with all of your groomsmen should be at the top of your list—it’s one night when you’ll want to be sure that she doesn’t see a thing. And once that veil is lifted on your wedding day? You can have as much sex as possible for as long as possible. That being said, if you’re looking for something to do after dropping trou on her big day and getting married naked (in more ways than one), consider these options…