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The Benefits of Akashic Records Readings

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Akashic Records readings can raise your awareness and increase your connection to the world around you. During a reading, you may experience feelings of peace, calm, and groundedness. The reading will also reveal information that you most need to know at this time. Read on to learn more about the benefits of this kind of reading.

Intuitive akashic records readings
An intuitive Akashic Records reading gives you insight into your soul’s history and provides guidance for your present life. This type of reading is based on the ‘personal records’ of each soul, and can be helpful for many reasons, from business matters to health issues. A reading can be scheduled monthly or based on the highest frequency of the client’s desires.

The reading will be conducted by an experienced intuitive. The practitioner will use an altered state of consciousness to align with her Higher Self and access the Akashic Records. She will use this information to reveal information about past lives, lessons learned, and more. You may also connect with your spirit guides, angels, power animals, and/or loved ones.

Limitations of searching the Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are the energetic memory files of your soul, and they are located in the Pleiadian star system. They contain information on every decision you have made, emotion you have experienced, and life lessons you have learned. Those who can access them can gain valuable insights to improve their lives and heal themselves. They also act as a user manual for human consciousness, and the guidance they provide can help you develop.

When you tap into the Records, you gain access to a vast source of knowledge that is much more powerful than the conscious mind. You can search these records for information on any topic you desire, and you may even get specific information on a disease, healing, or past life. However, there are some limitations to searching the Records. You may have to pass through filters created by the guides you choose, and you may be blocked from certain information.

Benefits of a reading
An Akashic Records reading is an insightful process that can help you deal with heart-based issues and gain clarity on your life purpose and path. The process can also reveal past life experiences and provide insights into the nature of love and relationships. It can help you find closure for lost loved ones and pets, and provide you with valuable information to help you improve your current relationships.

The Akashic Records are a powerful storehouse of past lives, and working with them can provide you with a deeper psychic sense than ever before. The information you receive may come in the form of symbols, which make it easier to process. This powerful tool can help you make better decisions and achieve your goals. It can also open you up to a world of endless possibilities.

Keeping a journal for an akashic records reading
Keeping a journal will help you process your akashic records readings. The Akashic Records are a repository of information about the past, present, and future lives of a person. The information you receive may be vague, and it can be difficult to process. The more you practice, the more accurate your readings will become. In addition to gaining a deeper understanding of your situation, journaling can help you clear up any blockages in your life.

While a reading does not have access to the whole of your Akashic Records, it can help you understand what energies are misaligned and what manifesting intentions are in your life. The purpose of a reading is to gain a deeper understanding of your soul’s past and present life. During a reading, relevant parts of your Akashic record will show up.

Guided akashic records readings
Akashic Records readings are a powerful way to uncover the hidden meanings of your life. They can help dissolve limiting patterns, obstacles, and trauma and open the door to a life that feels more free and graceful. You can get access to these records whenever you like. But you must be clear about what you want to access and keep your intentions clear.

There are many practitioners who can help you with an Akashic Record Reading. Find one who has a proven track record for helping people heal and enhance their lives.