
How To Deal With Keto Diet Constipation

Diarrhea and constipation on keto are unfortunately quite common. Luckily, however, diarrhea and constipation on to usually are short-term. Often it’s a...

Written by Abrar Zubair · 3 min read >

Diarrhea and constipation on keto are unfortunately quite common. Luckily, however, diarrhea and constipation on to usually are short-term. Often it’s a matter of drastic change or bad macro structure in diet. And when they occur, there certainly are treatments you might want to look into before consulting with a physician. For many people who are on keto diets, the main complaint seems to be that their body just doesn’t absorb enough water and some of the essential electrolytes are missing. This will lead to some discomfort, but for most people it’s a passing annoyance that they quickly bounce back from.

So what causes the constipation on keto? Usually it’s because the body is not getting enough fiber in the form of vegetables and fruit. The reason why constipation occurs is because the colon isn’t getting enough water and nutrients to perform at it’s optimal health level. As a result, the body is forced to get the toxins out by either using water to try to get rid of them or by forcing the bowels to move (owing to insufficient muscle strength).

So how can you avoid constipation and diarrhea on keto? There are a few different remedies that can be used. The first is good old fashioned fiber, which can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Many people don’t get enough fiber in their diets, which leads to constipation as the colon is having to push out more waste because it’s not getting the water and fiber that it needs.

There are other herbal remedies such as burdock, marshmallow root, fennel seed, and the herb red clover. Some people prefer to take psyllium, which is a powdery substance from beans. It helps people with chronic diarrhea or the more rare keto diet constipation Another option is herbal laxatives such as those found in Metamucil or Tucks.

The second remedy for constipation is water. When the colon’s ability to get rid of waste is hampered by the fact that it’s not getting enough water, stools can become tough and dry. This makes it more difficult for the colon to release waste. This results in constipation or diarrhea.

Another remedy for constipation is increasing your dietary fiber intake. Most people in the Western world are eating less dietary fiber today than ever before. As a result, our intestines are becoming more difficult to digest. Our bodies aren’t getting enough water to move our waste. All of this adds up to constipation or diarrhea. A diet that’s high in soluble fiber like fiber-rich vegetables will make it easier for your body to absorb water and help your digestive system work better.

The last remedy for constipation is exercising. Any time you’re dealing with a difficult bowel movement, it’s time to start working out. Exercise loosens up your muscles, which allows your digestive system to work more efficiently. Exercise also releases endorphins which make your body feel good, and in addition, will help you lose weight if you do exercise on a consistent basis.

In addition to all of these remedies for constipation, there are ways to prevent constipation in to dieters. Eating smaller amounts of calories and maintaining adequate fiber intake will go a long way toward preventing constipation in dieters. And, always be sure to keep plenty of water at hand. This will prevent dehydration, which will cause another common problem among keto dieters. Following these remedies for constipation will go a long way toward keeping diarrhea and other colon problems from plaguing dieters.

But sometimes, even with the best remedies, things can still go wrong. In this case, your first step should be to increase your daily fiber intake. Fiber is great because it keeps your digestive system moving properly and can help with constipation. Increasing your daily fiber intake is simple: just add more fiber to your food each day until you have as much as you need. When you do this, your digestive system will move much more quickly and you’ll avoid straining or having your food pass too slowly.

Another way to ensure that your intestines move quickly and easily is to add more high-fiber foods to your diet. Some examples of high-fiber foods are beans, nuts, and whole grains, but other foods such as apples, oranges, bananas, parsley, and more can also be used to help your body use its natural waste products efficiently. With an increased fiber intake, your stool will be softer, will pass faster, and will have less of a chance to become impacted with waste before it’s removed from your body.

For more severe cases of constipation, there are a few extra steps you can take in order to deal with the problem. These are especially effective for those who do not want to change their daily diet plan. The first thing you can do is increase your daily dietary fiber intake. After this, take a look at the products in your kitchen and replace any products that do not contain fiber with products that do. This doesn’t mean you necessarily have to replace all of your vegetables and fruits with these high-fiber foods, but it does mean that you can eat more of these foods in a day than you could previously. Also, take a look at how much water you’re drinking and cut back on alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages, and sodas to flush your system out even more.