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Top Tips for Post-Renovation Cleaning

Your home renovation is complete and now it’s time to tackle the mess. Post-renovation cleaning can be daunting, but with these tips...

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Your home renovation is complete and now it’s time to tackle the mess. Post-renovation cleaning can be daunting, but with these tips you can get your home back to its pre-renovation glory in no time.

Start with the ceilings and work your way down. Dust and debris will have settled on every surface during the renovation process, so it’s important to start at the top and work your way down. Use a microfiber cloth or duster to clean light fixtures, ceiling fans, and exposed beams.

Next, focus on the floors. Vacuum all carpeted areas and steam clean if necessary. For hardwood floors, use a damp mop or cloth to remove any debris. Walls and baseboards should be next on your list. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down walls, and use a small brush or vacuum attachment to get into crevices.

Finally, clean all surfaces in your kitchen and bathrooms. These rooms will likely need the most attention as they were probably used most during the renovation. disinfect all countertops, floors, toilets, and showers. Pay extra attention to areas around the sink where food and dirt can accumulate.


-Start with the basics: a thorough sweep, mop, and dust of the entire area
-Pay special attention to high-traffic areas and places where dust and dirt are likely to accumulate
-Don’t forget to clean behind and under appliances and furniture
– Windows, mirrors, and other glass surfaces should be given a good cleaning
-Finally, focus on any areas that need special care, such as tiles and grout, stainless steel, and wood floors

-Start with the basics: a thorough sweep, mop, and dust of the entire area
When it comes to post-renovation cleaning, it is important to start with the basics. This includes a thorough sweep, mop, and dust of the entire area. Here are a few tips to make sure your post-renovation cleaning is as effective as possible:

-Start by sweeping the floors to remove any large debris.
-Next, mop the floors to remove any smaller pieces of debris and to get rid of any dirt or dust that may have been missed during the sweeping.
-Finally, dust all surfaces (walls, tabletops, etc.) to remove any remaining dirt, dust, or debris.

By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your post-renovation cleaning is thorough and effective.

-Pay special attention to high-traffic areas and places where dust and dirt are likely to accumulate
After a home renovation, it is important to focus on thorough cleaning in order to remove all the construction dust and post renovation cleaning. Here are some tips on how to effectively clean high-traffic areas and places where dust and dirt are likely to accumulate:

-Start by dusting all surfaces with a microfiber cloth. This will help to remove any large particles of dust.
– vacuum all floors and carpets, making sure to get into corners and edges.
-Wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth, paying special attention to door frames, windows, and baseboards.
– deep clean all bathrooms, kitchens, and other areas where dirt and grime can build up.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your home is clean and free of any dirt and dust from the renovation.

-Don’t forget to clean behind and under appliances and furniture
When it comes to post-renovation cleaning, it is important to remember to clean behind and under appliances and furniture. This is often where dust and dirt can accumulate, and can be difficult to reach with a vacuum cleaner. A good way to clean under furniture is to use a dust mop or a damp cloth. For under appliances, you may need to move them out of the way to reach all the dirt and dust.

Another tip for post-renovation cleaning is to empty all the cupboards and shelves, and to wipe them down with a damp cloth. This will remove any dust that has accumulated. In the bathroom, make sure to clean the tiles and grout, as well as the shower and tub. Don’t forget to clean the toilet and sink. In the kitchen, it is important to clean the stove and oven, as well as the fridge and freezer.

When it comes to post-renovation cleaning, it is important to take your time and to be thorough. This will ensure that your home is clean and dust-free.

– Windows, mirrors, and other glass surfaces should be given a good cleaning
Windows, mirrors, and other glass surfaces in your home should be cleaned on a regular basis. Here are a few tips to help you keep them clean:

-Wash windows and mirrors with a solution of vinegar and water. Use a sponge or cloth to scrub the surface, then rinse with clean water.

-If you have a lot of fingerprints or smudges on your glass, you can use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to scrub them away.

-To avoid streaks, be sure to dry your glass surfaces with a clean, lint-free cloth.

-For a final touch, you can polish your mirrors and windows with a little bit of furniture polish. This will help to repel dust and fingerprints.

If you follow these top tips, your post-renovation cleaning will be a breeze!